Lifting the lid on toilet training: Teaching hygiene & personal care

by Lauren Amies and Brogan Georgiou


Childcare expert Laura and Mum of 4 Brogan share their tips for how to teach your kids a good toilet hygiene routine, even when on the go.


How do you teach your kids to hand wash?


1. Use a handwashing song

2. Use visual prompts like a routine map

3. Role model your own personal care routine


Check out the rest of our 'Lifting the lid on toilet training' series with Laura and Brogan:


Lifting the lid on toilet training
Lifting the lid on toilet training: How & when to get started with 4 tips
Lifting the lid on toilet training: Top tips on reducing toilet anxiety 
Lifting the lid on toilet training: Out and about with top 3 tips
Lifting the lid on toilet training: Staying dry through the night
Lifting the lid on toilet training: Where to get support?


What is needed for toilet training?


You can also get your own FREE downloadable resources from the Andrex Family Hub.