Lifting the lid on toilet training: Where to get support?

by Lauren Amies and Brogan Georgiou

Laura and Brogan talk about the 'Lifting the Lid on toilet training' series


Laura and Brogan explain that no parent will have all the answers, and there's no shame in looking for help if you need it with toilet training.


Every toilet training journey will be completely different and each child will develop and learn at a different pace.


What are 5 tips for successful toilet training?


For all our tips and tricks from Laura and Brogan on toilet training (From where to begin, to common challenges), see the rest of our series:


Lifting the lid on toilet training
Lifting the lid on toilet training: How & when to get started with 4 tips
Lifting the lid on toilet training: Top tips on reducing toilet anxiety 
Lifting the lid on toilet training: Out and about with top 3 tips
Lifting the lid on toilet training: Staying dry through the night
Lifting the lid on toilet training: Teaching hygiene & personal care