How long might this take?
Upto 2 months
Well, it’s kind of up to your kid. It’s all about being responsive to your little one. It could take weeks, or it could take months. We know. It’s tricky when you can’t see the finish line. But we’ve got loads of tips and advice to keep you sane.
Should I use a potty or go straight to the toilet?
Go straight to the big toilet when they’re ready. There’s no need to bring the potty along. Smaller kids might want an inner seat so they’re more comfy (and so they don’t accidentally fall in).
  • Step 1

    Wait until your kid gets a little toilet curious. Are they wondering what that brown stuff is? Are they playing with the toilet paper? Are they trying to eat the toilet brush? And even if they’re not questioning everything yet, get them involved by helping them wash their hands or getting themselves dressed.

  • Step 2

    Your child is the boss in this approach. It’s up to them to decide how and when to use the toilet. So, sit back and go with the flow. Literally.

  • Step 3

    You’re their buddy on this adventure so they need your support and encouragement at every little step. And if they get stuck just simply explain things again. Whatever happens, it’s important to keep things fun.

    Keep up the practice. Keep up the fun. Download our free app.
  • Step 4

    Celebrate every success. Even if it’s something as tiny as not weeing on the seat. And if something goes wrong or they have an accident, don’t let them get too down. It’s totally normal. And all part of the fun.

  • Step 5

    Be patient. This approach may take a little longer than other methods but it’s really effective.

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Need some extra help?

We have some extra tips to help boost your toilet training journey.
See the Tips